Solitaire Card Game just like the MicroSoft version with one big can cheat! This unique version brings out the devil in you and also features more varieties of decks, better scoreboard, plus you can save and retrieve games.
Created by Cheaters
Jamie Rood
Dave "Michael Dell owes me $5" Richards

Anyone who has ever used MS Windows(TM) has played a game of solitaire (at least once), thus making it one of the most popular games ever played on a PC. For this reason, Tech-Connected of Austin, Texas has created the Solitaire Devil for players of the popular game who want more options; superior scoring features, greater deck variety, the ability to save and load games and just maybe...the ability to cheat! Players lose points for peeking or cheating but can also "Play by the rules" and enjoy a fun game of cards. A 'quick play' mode allows players to 'single click' the right mouse button to play a card instead of the old "click, drag and drop". There's even an option to continue a current game or reset the score back to zero. It's tougher than you think!
$2.00 Download
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$2.00 Download
Product Description:

Enhanced version of Klondike Solitaire computer card game shipped with MS Windows.

Major Program Enhancements and Features

Player's Ability to Cheat (with scoring penalty)
Variety of Cheating Modes
'Single Click' Play Mode for Advanced Players
Superior Scoring Features and Scoreboard
Cheating Creates More Playing Strategies
Ability to Save & Retrieve Games
Greater Deck Variety
Superior Menu Bar & Help Screens
More Player Options & More Fun to Play!
System Requirements

$2.00 Download
$2.00 Download